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- Quick Start Guide for Using the WinAVR Compiler with ATMEL’s AVR Butterfly
- Capacitive Touch Hardware Design and Layout Guidelines for Synergy, RX200, and RX100
- Electrical Design – How does Electrical design start a new project
- What is PH and How is it measured A Technical Handbook for industry
- CCS C Compiler Manual
- The Theory of pH Measurement
- 800VA Pure Sine Wave Inverter’s Reference Design
- C Compiler Reference Manual – PIC CCS
- Thyristor Device Data – TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers
- PC Stand-by Power Supply with VIPer22A
- AN-1849 An Audio Amplifier Power Supply Design
- The BJT Transistor theory – Giorgos Lazaridis
- Random Phase Crossing Triac Drivers use MOC30XX [Kích bảo vệ Triac]
- Designing and Protocol RS-485 Circuits [Jan Axelson]
- RF Remote Control using PT2262 and PT2272 [Product Overview]
- OpAmps for everyone
- Switching Regulators by Watlt Kester, Brian Erisman
- Power Supply Measurement and Analysis (Tektronix)
- Digital RF Wattmeter with LCD Display [1khz ~ 1 Ghz)
- 555 Circuits Ebook (50 Circuits) [Colin Mitchell]
- 200 Transistor Circuits ebook [ 200 Mạch ứng dụng Transitor]
- Writing C Code for the 8051 [Amir hossenin Akbari]
- Power Electronics [Ryerson University]
- Thyristor Device Data (TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers) ON Semiconductor
- Inverter Design For 2001 Future Energy Challenge (Thiết kế bộ nghịch lưu)
- Lessons In Electric Circuits by Tony R. Kuphaldt – Học mạch điện tử cơ bản
- Designing Switching Voltage Regulators With the TL494 – Thiết kế mạch với TL494
- Industrual Motor Control (Điều khiển Motor Công nghiệp)
- Programming Embedded Systems – Lập trình vi điều khiển dùng C
- 1-100 Transistor Circuits
- 101-200 Transistor Circuits
- 100 IC Circuits
Nguồn: hqdt.vn & Sưu tầm
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